Give and follow precise directions

Grades Pre K-2

Learning Intention Give and follow precise directions.
Success Criteria I can give directions that my partner can follow.

Standard Acara year 1: Give and follow directions to familiar locations(ACMMG023)



  • Students use popsicle sticks or other material that is the length of the Beebot to create a path leading to “treasure”.
  • Students write code for how to follow their path to treasure. (Hint: Students tend to have a hard time with the turn arrow.  They think of the up arrow as only straight and the turn arrow as right.)fullsizerender
  • Extension:Could you think of a shortcut way to write this code. For example instead of writing 5 arrows can you do one arrow X 5.
  • Have a partner enter the code into the Beebot and see if he finds the treasure. Adjust the code as needed.
  • Take turns with a partner building more and more complicated treasure paths and follow each others code to the treasure.
  • Reflection at the end: What was hard? What worked well? What did you learn about giving directions?