Get to Know you activity: Create an “All About Me” program

The beginning of the year is all about building routines and getting to know your students.  What better way to do that than through having kids create their own program to introduce themselves to the class. They will learn about coding while teaching each other about themselves.

Lesson Outline:

  • Screen Shot 2016-08-04 at 4.09.58 PMDecide on three main topic areas that students will tell about themselves for example, school, family and friends.
  • Have students create sprites for each of the topics




  • Students write short explanations about themselves for each of the topics.  Then record their explanations into Scratch. Screen Shot 2016-08-04 at 4.12.21 PM
  • Set the code so that when the sprite is clicked the recording for that topic is played.Screen Shot 2016-08-04 at 4.14.46 PM
    Screen Shot 2016-08-04 at 4.18.11 PM
  • Optional: Have students find or bring in images that represent their lives.      Then upload these into Scratch as backdrops.





  • Write the code so that it plays through the images while the recording plays .                                                 Screen Shot 2016-08-04 at 4.22.00 PM